Russian Literature (Part 1) - St Joseph's College, Bangalore - 2nd MA English - Syllabus 2009 - 2010

IInd MA English - Semester III - Russian Literature (Part 1) - Syllabus 2009 - 2010

1. Aleksandr Pushkin: a) The Bronze horseman - Text | Guide | More
b) The Captain's Daughter - Text | Guide
c) The Snowstorm - Text
2. Nikolai Gogol : Five St.Petersberg Stories (2nd Test)
(i)The Nose (ii)Diary of a Madman
(iii)The Overcoat (iv)The Blizzard
3. Leo Tolstoy : Anna Karenina - Guide (2nd Test)
4. Fyodor Dostoevsky : Crime and Punishment - Wiki | Google book
5. Anton Chekhov : The Cherry Orchard - Wiki | Text

Further Reading:

1. Peter the Great :
2. Background:
3. The Blizzard: Aleksandr Pushkin
4. The Blizzard in Russia: The New York Times - Feb 25, 1901

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