AMERICAN LITERATURE:1. Emerson's 2 essays- Intro to "Nature" and "Self-Reliance"
2. Thoreau's "On Economy"
3. Hawthorne- Scarlet letter
4. Intro to Jewish American experience/writing
5. Salinger(Franny and Zooey)+Background
6. Faulkner (A Rose for Emily)+background
RUSSIAN LITERATURE:1. Anna Akhmatova's Poems
2. Nabokov's "Pnin" and "An evening of Russian poetry"
3. Solzhenitsyn's "One day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich"
CRITICAL THEORY:1. "Discourse in the Novel"- Bakhtin
2. "We the Victorians" and "Scientia Sexualis" -Foucault
3. "Three women's Texts..." -Spivak
POST-COLONIAL STUDIES:1. Guha's "Historiography of Colonial India"
2. Said's "Orientalism"
3. Talpade Mohanty's "Under western Eyes"
4. JanMohammad's "Economy of the Manichean Allegory"
CULTURAL STUDIES:1. Partha Chaterjee's "Speaking of Modernity in two languages"
2. Habermas' "Modernity- an incomplete Project"
3. Benjamin's "work of art..."
4. Adorno & Horkheimer's "Culture Industry"