English Literature Upto 1900 (Part 1) - St.Joseph's College, Bangalore - 1 MA English - Syllabus 2008 - 2009

English Literature Upto 1900 (Part 1)


1. Geoffrey Chaucer: General Prologue to The Canterbury Tales (Excepts Knight, Friar Prioress, Wife of Bath, Parson Clerk, Miller, Manciple)

2. Thomas Wyatt: "Whos list to hunt"

3. Philip Sydney: Sonnet 45, "Stella oft sees the very face of woe"

4. Edmund Spenser: Sonnet 75. "One day I wrote her Name Upon the strand"

5. William Shakespeare: Sonnet 144, "Two Loves I have of comfort and Despair"

6. Amelia Lanyer : Eve's Apology to Women From "Salve Deus REx Judeoerum"

7. Elizabeth 1 : Speech to the Troops at Tilbury

8. William Shakespear: Othello


1. Robert Herrick : "Delight in Disorder"

2. George Herbert : "The Collar"

3. John Donne : Canonization

4. Andrew Marvell : "The Garden", "To His Coy Mistress"

5. Aphra Behn : Oroonoko


1. Samuel Johnson : Letter to Lord Chesterfield

2. John Dryden : MacFlecknoe

3. Jonathan Swift : A Modest Proposal

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