Critical Theory (Part 1) - St Joseph's College, Bangalore - 2nd MA English - Syllabus 2009 - 2010

IInd MA English - Semester III - Critical Theory (Part 1) - Syllabus 2009 - 2010

1. Samuel Johnson : Preface to Shakespeare - Text | Guide
2. TS Eliot : Tradition and Individual Talent - Text | Guide
3. Matthew Arnold : The Study of Poetry - Text | Guide
4. FR Leavis : Reality and Sincerity (2nd Test)
5. Cleanth Brooks : The Language of Paradox - Guide 1 | Guide 2 (2nd Test)
6. Northrop Frye : Myth, Fiction and Displacement (2nd Test)
7. Herbert Read : The Nature of Criticism
8. IA Richards : Imagination

Further Reading:
1. Theories of Expression (Poems by Wordsworth, Coleridge, Shelley, and Keats)
2. Critical Theory
3. Literary criticism
4. New Criticism (2nd Test)
5. Liberal Humanism 1 - Liberal Humanism 2 (2nd Test)

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